null (shark jaw.)

Skeletal specimen of Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas).

Missing tooth on upper jaw that has been very roughly broken off is a common trait of sharks that have been caught on a fishing line. As the shark fights against the line and tries to break free, the tooth can fall out or snap off. Bull shark teeth (as with those of most other shark species) haven’t evolved to be all that robust as when a tooth falls out, another just flips up to replace it. Lives in both freshwater and salt water. Grows up to 340cm in length. The bull shark is classified as Near Threatened (NT) by the IUCN Red List

Unfortunately bull sharks can cause chaos in areas where their natural habitat crosses over with (human) populated areas as they are one of the only sharks that can survive for long periods in freshwater. Australia, for example, has issues with them swimming up into canals. This is particularly a problem as bull sharks are one of the very few shark species that can be aggressive and very dangerous to humans.

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