
Cornet. Brass with silver plating. Three Périnet valves. Missing mouthpiece. Most of the instrument is covered with decorative floral engravings. Bell is stamped: 28 MEDALS OF HONOUR/F.BESSON/BREVETE/198 EUSTON ROAD/LONDON/PRESENTED TO/ Mr JAMES SAUNDERS/by the Members of the/Kimberly Quadrille Party/as a mark of their respect and esteem/DIAMOND FIELDS. SOUTH AFRICA./AUGUST 22nd 1879. The casing and cap of the second valve are stamped: F BESSON/BREVETEE/24143; the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are also stamped on the casings and caps of the respective valves.

This cornet was presented to James Saunders in 1879 by the members of the Kimberley Quadrille Society. Kimberly, South Africa is the site of the world's largest diamond mine.

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