Nature Challenge: World Oceans Day

Take part in this Nature Challenge to find out why oceans are so important and explore some of the ways that people can help ocean life.

You can make a Nature Notebook and complete the mini-challenges in your notebook, or just use a regular piece of paper.

You can also find out some facts about animals that live in the ocean.

Oceans are amazing!

The oceans are home to lots of different animals and plants, and people rely on them for oxygen, food and water. Oceans also help our climate, absorbing most of the planet’s excess heat as well as huge amounts of carbon dioxide, helping to protect the Earth against the effects of climate change.

How many animals can you name that live in the oceans?

Use our online Habitats Learning Resource Pack to find out more about different animals.


Create your own amazing oceans animal quiz.
Use one of the other pages in your notebook to create your quiz and test your family members on the facts
you’ve discovered!

For example:
What is a tiger shark’s prey? How does a porcupine fish make itself bigger?

The Plastic Problem

The oceans are home to an amazing variety of life but what happens if their home changes?

Rain and wind can carry our waste plastic to drains, streams and rivers where it can travel to the ocean.
Once it is in the ocean it can harm marine life. Many animals are eating plastic because it looks like food. To make matters worse, once plastic is in the environment it never really goes away.


  • How many objects in your home can you find that are
    made of plastic?
  • Will you keep it? Reuse it?
  • Give it to someone else?
  • What will happen to those objects in the future?

Check our Instagram for craft ideas. Share your reusing ideas and projects with us on social media.

What are people doing to be kinder to the oceans?

There are lots of people working very hard to care for our oceans and making changes in their lives to be kinder to our oceans. You may be doing lots of these already!

  • Refuse plastic bags in shops and take your own reusable bags
  • Buy a reusable water bottle
  • Buy unpackaged food and grow your own if possible
  • Pick up rubbish
  • Stop using wet wipes
  • Only buy what you really need
  • Talk about caring for the planet with family and friends


Can you make a pledge (promise) to help protect our oceans?

Help #WorldOceansDay to protect our blue planet by using the hashtag #ProtectOurHome

You can also share your pledge with us on social media.