Hartley George

Hartley George is the Assistant Aquarium Curator and has worked at the Horniman since 2019.
Working across all sections of the aquarium, creating and maintaining interesting and educational displays as well as actively partaking in scientific engagement, Hartley’s research interests to date have focused on coral reproduction and aquaculture as well as the effects of human induced climate change. Hartley studied Animal Science at The University of Nottingham before undertaking a Master’s degree in Tropical Marine Biology at The University of Essex in 2017. During his Master’s he studied coral reef ecology and developed practical fieldwork skills, conducting coral reef surveys in Indonesia. Hartley also has experience carrying out reef restoration in the Seychelles, maintaining floating coral nurseries and outplanting coral colonies to help rebuild damaged reefs. Hartley has also been involved with Project Coral, an innovative coral reproduction project, as well as work on breeding other marine organisms such as sea urchins, shrimpfish and clownfish.


George, H.C.P.H., Miles, G., Bemrose, J., White, A., Bond, M.N. and Cameron, T.C., 2019. Intergenerational effects of CO2‐induced stream acidification in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Ecology and Evolution, 9(22), pp.12836-12845.