Lion's face in coarse red pottery, pierced via its roughly circular open mouth to the other side, possibly a sort of boss-like spout placed at the side or shoulder of a vessel. It has only crude, roughly drawn physical characteristics: erect ears with incised lines, punched and carved out eyes and eyebrows and the nose a couple of incised vertical lines. In the top of the head is a deeply punched hole.
A lion's face in coarse red pottery, pierced via its roughly circular open mouth to the other side, possibly a sort of boss-like spout placed at the side or shoulder of a vessel. It has only crude, roughly drawn physical characteristics: erect ears with incised lines, punched and carved out eyes and eyebrows and the nose a couple of incised vertical lines. In the top of the head is a deeply punched hole. Marked on the inside in black ink with ‘SD’ (probably Sari Dheri, Charsadda District, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan). Early Historic Period in date, probably early centuries. Archaeological context: presumably unstratified and probably from a surface collection. Given by Col D H Gordon (1952/3).