Long oval dish with tall sloping sides and decorated with zig-zag lines on the inside.
‘Wellcome’ catalogue card information found in archives of the Department of Africa, Oceania and The Americas at The British Museum on 5 October 2016 by Alison South. Scanned copy of card in ‘Wellcome’ section of the Horniman Historical files Accessions No. (Stores) 117,447 Classification M Group Section VES Initials in top right hand corner W.H.M.M. Description of object FOOD BOWL Wood, boat-shaped, painted in white herringbone design. Old and damaged. 39� X 9 ½� wide. Andaman Isles. Rare. Bought of St. 554/20 & 21/x/31 (Mr. Webb). Value 5 /- At present To H R D 231.2.38 Case No. 3780 (or 3180 but crossed through) To be placed K.