Fragment of the base of a stupa, depicting seated Buddhas, interspersed with worshipers and columns.
To judge by the pictures, this object seems to be the base of a small votive stupa, a really well known architectural/votive feature found in almost all Gandharan religious sites. The number on the bottom clearly suggests that this piece is part of the Horniman 'set' or 'group', also inscribed with those black collector's numbers The scenes seem to be of seated Buddhas (both sitting under trees?, ie possibly the bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya) flanked by male 'worshippers', possibly lay people, but more likely to be bodhisattvas. Serious turbans on them would suggest bodhisattvas. In the right hand scene of the two the figure on the right seems to be carrying a garland and the other possibly a bowl. In the other panel the worshippers possibly carry bowls or possibly more likely their hands are in anjali mudra?