
Variable monophonic synthesizer without presets, Prodigy model. The sound is produced by two tunable oscillators. Wooden base, plastic keyboard with white naturals, black accidentals. Pitch bend and modulation wheels to the left of keyboard. Black control panel, angled upwards above keyboard, with white markings. Controls from left to right: tune and glide; modulator between waveforms; oscillator one and two; mixer; filters; filter controller (top) and loudness controller (bottom). At bottom right hand corner of control panel, also in white: "moog PRODIGY".

The Moog Prodigy was a synthesizer manufactured by Moog Music between 1979 and 1984. The instrument was capable of a wide range of synthetic sounds, from deep sub-bass lows to gentle upper range flute sounds. The Prodigy featured two voltage controlled oscillators, both of which could be detuned up or down by more than a fifth of an octave, allowing for the creation of a wide range of sustained tones as well as atonal sounds. It was popular with the English electro-pop bands of the early 1980s.

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