Lawatu pinkillu (pincullo), or chopi pinkilu. A duct flute, made in two halves of jarka (albizia) wood, bound together with ox tendons; the block with protruding proximal end made of chark-uma (Proustia cuneifolia) wood, sealed with besswax or fat. Half-moon shaped windway. Six fingerholes. Sounding length: 618mm.
The pinkillu duct flutes are used seasonally in the Nor Chichas Province of Bolivia, from where they originate. The lawatu pinkillus played in the Yura area make their first appearance of the year at the Fiesta de los Reyes (Epiphany), on 6 January and they are heard until the beginning of Lent. They feature in outdoor ensembles for dance music, accompanied by caja drums. They are played as loud as possible to create overtones, and are wetted beforehand with water or maize beer.he flute was bought for 10 million pesos, and collected on 25 February 1987 from the maker by Henry Stobart.