Mask of one of the members of the demon, yaksha, army of Thotsakan, Phra Ram's adversaries in the Ramakien. The mask completely covers the head, and is made of papier-mâché. The face is painted green, and the forehead is surrounded by a gilt headband, partly missing, edged with pieces of mirror glass, which ends in elaborately cut 'wings' at either side, possibly made of leather, supported behind with wire. Behind these are what appear to be green ears, with painted pink flames emanating from them. The mask has prominent round eyes with small circular apertures. Above and below the eyes is a black notched line edged with gilt dots. A similar line delineates the eyebrows, which protrude from the face at the extremities. Another similar line surrounds the whole of the mouth, again protruding at the extremities. The jawline is similarly indicated. The mouth has two prominent upward-turning fangs at each side in white, as are the teeth. A piece of fabric protruding from the mouth indicates a tongue. The hair is painted in black raised swirls, evenly spaced over the top of the head. A gilt band decorated with mirror glass echoes the band at the front of the mask, and has two vertical pieces in the form of two wings or flames. Between these, and to either side of them, demon faces have been painted on against the green ground. There are clear signs of use on the interior. A cord, which may have been gripped by the dancer's teeth to secure it, is on the inside.
for performance of kh�n, masked dance drama