Woman’s hairpin, sawkahrong. Type used by men and women. Pointed bamboo pin, lacquered in black and then red along two-thirds of its length. The black third painted in four bands, separated by a grey line, each band with three rows of grey lozenges interspersed with red dots around the pin.
Line drawings of hairpins in N.E.Parry 1932 The Lakhers London: Macmillan p40 `bamboo lacquered hairpins used by men and women sawkahrong’ See description of hairpins in N.E.Parry 1932 The Lakhers London: Macmillan, pp33 and 39. Label made from part of a blank postcard, punched with hole at one end, and typed inscription: `LAKHER PIONEER MISSION. Lakher woman’s hairpin made from Bamboo and japanned by themselves.’