Ear ornament for a man. It consists of a bamboo ear plug with a suspended hair pendant. The ear plug is made up of a small bamboo tube with red tufts of wool forming a ball over the outer end. Also at that end of the tube is a loop of twisted cotton strings that are passed through the pierced hole. Through the cotton loop is a set of around ten strings, each with about 12 small, silver-coloured ball beads, and these strings are tied back together at the other end. At the end of these strings is a tube of wood or bamboo, decorated with hair and basketry. At the top of the tube is a small band of plaited red cane strips, below which are alternating rows of black and red tufts of hair. Below this is a band of twilled red cane with thin zigzag lines of yellow orchid stem. Below the band, attached to the tube, is a plume of rough black hair.
See also 1969.259.1, a similar ear ornament, without the plaited band. They were possibly made and worn as a pair, though there are slight differences.