Carved figure in chlorite depicting Narasimha emanating from a pillar split into two parts to kill the demon Hiranyakashipu, who is lying prostrate across the god´s knees.
See: ARYAN, Subhashini and K ARYAN. Unknown masterpieces of Indian folk. Gurgaon: K.C. Aryan's Home of Folk Art, 2005, 248 p. ISBN 81-901-9330-9. P. 31 MALLEBREIN, Cornelia, Heidrun BRÜCKNER a Gisela VÖLGER. Die anderen Götter: Volks- und Stammesbronzen aus Indien. Köln: Braus, 1993, 559 p. ISBN 38-946-6076-7. P. 97 (reference Moor, The Hindu Pantheon, 1810: 50)