Secondary and Further Education groups

The Horniman offers curriculum-linked workshops, object loans and careers support for secondary schools, further education colleges and universities.

The Horniman offers a dedicated programme of workshops, object loans and careers support for secondary schools and further education colleges.


We offer a range of taught Museum workshops onsite which link to the Science, Geography, History, Art and Music curriculum. Students will have the opportunity to touch, hold and study real museum objects during these workshops.

We also offer tailor-made workshops which can take place onsite, in-school or virtually. These can explore a range of topics such as the Museum’s work around colonial histories and the climate and ecological crisis.

We can connect students with staff in other departments such as our curatorial and Aquarium teams.

Self-led visits

Groups can book a self-led visit to the main galleries and Gardens for free and there are supporting resources available.

The range of objects and spaces across the Museum and Gardens provide excellent stimulus for observational sketching.

Students can connect with global cultures, the natural world and the evolving role of museums.

Please note that our Natural History Gallery  is now closed as part of a major 2 year redevelopment, Nature + Love. The rest of our Galleries, displays and Gardens will be open as usual, with plenty across the site to support your topic (including our Music and World Galleries). Our schools workshops are uneffected.

We will be opening a new, free temporary exhibition about the natural world, animals and their habitats, in September 2024.

Object loans

If you are unable to visit the Museum or as a follow-up after your visit, we offer object loans from our extensive Handling Collection at minimal cost.

Loaned objects can be handled, and used to support students’ learning in the classroom across a range of subjects. Examples of recent object loans include:

  • ‘Natural Forms’ to support a GCSE Art & Design unit,
  • A group of African objects to support Black History Month enrichment activities.

Careers support

The Formal Learning Team hosts a small number of work experience placements each year. Museum staff also participate in outreach workshops and careers fairs to share their experience of working in the cultural sector. Please contact us for more information.

University groups

We offer an educational discount and tailor-made workshops for university groups that include:

  • curator-led talks and tours,
  • tailored object handling sessions exploring objects from our renowned Handling Collection,
  • talks about object based practice and Museum Learning pedagogy.

During your visit

Our permanent galleries and gardens, and some temporary exhibitions including 茶, चाय, Tea (Chá, Chai, Tea), are free to visit.

Entrance to our charged temporary exhibitions, Aquarium and Butterfly House is charged at a reduced schools rate when booked in advance.


Aquarium: £1.50 per person

Temporary exhibition: £3 per person

Aquarium/temporary exhibition combined entry: £4 per person

Butterfly House: £2.50 per person

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