Top tips for tackling the climate emergency

We’re in a climate emergency. Species and habitats around the world are threatened by human-made climate change and pollution, right now. Our lives have to change, and everyone can do something to help.

Our top tips for children and young people


…to each other, and to the adults in your life, about the things that are important to you. No-one is too small to have a voice, or to help make changes at home, at school and in friendship groups.


…for nature, and get involved with it. Go for a walk and notice the wildlife around you. Do a beach clean or rubbish pick in your local area, or take part in a bee count or bird watch event.




…about organisations working to protect the environment. Be curious and think about what you could do to support them. Have a look for any local groups you could join.




…ideas, toys, or lifts to school to save the earth’s resources. Ever thought of doing a clothes swap with friends?




…about ways that you could use less of the earth’s resources. Don’t waste water (turn the tap off while you’re cleaning your teeth) or electricity (turn your bedroom light off when you leave). Try walking to school if you don’t already, and don’t buy too much food or other things you don’t really need.

Reuse, repair and recycle

…your things, and value what you have. Mend things that are broken or find someone who can mend it for you. Could your unwanted things be made into something else (like using old wellies for flower pots, or turning bottles into bird feeders)? Or would someone else enjoy them after you?

If you can’t mend or reuse something, recycle as much as possible so we don’t run out of the earth’s resources.




…plants and trees. They support wildlife and help fight climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Lots of schools have gardening clubs, or your local park might have a community garden.




…more fruit and veg, less processed food and less meat. Think about where your food comes from, and how it’s made. Is it grown nearby, and in a way that is good for the environment? Have a conversation at home or at school about what food you’d prefer to eat, to help the planet.




…thoughtfully. Before you buy something, ask yourself whether you really need it. Could you do without it, or borrow it? Or buy it second hand? Can you reach out via local Facebook or WhatsApp groups to look for what you need?

If you really have to buy it, and it has to be new, think about what it’s made of. Has it travelled far to reach you, has it been made in a way that harms the environment, and what is it packaged in?

Be brave

…about talking to people, asking questions and doing things differently. And don’t be put off by this being such a big and complicated problem. Give some of these ideas a try, and get your friends and family involved too, and you can make a difference.

Want to find out more about climate change?
